Why Use Diagrams?

Diagrams are some of the most powerful ways of communicating and representation of data. Visual communication has fast become the most popular mode of communication on the internet, and it’s becoming more common in business intranets as well. When conveying some sort of information, especially dense information, diagram maker are more popular than words.

Various diagramming software have been invented to help make the creation of diagrams easy, and these tools are very useful in making diagrams and charts.

Here are the reasons why diagrams are growing so popular and used often.

  • We are visual beings; hence learning visually is easy

Our brains are built to process visual data. A pattern is considerably easier to see than a series of numbers. Our brains can absorb pictures more easily than words. We recall pictorial information better than anything we read because of the image superiority effect.

  • Visual IQ is rising at a higher rate than other types of intelligence.

Humans are becoming more intelligent, and the average IQ is rising. However, school test results, which focus on vocabulary, mathematics, and remembering the material, do not reflect the three-point per year increase in IQ scores. Instead, our visual IQ is fast improving as we improve our ability to recognize and match patterns.

  • Images have more impact.

According to research by the University of Minnesota researchers and 3M findings from various representations indicated that those using “excellent” images were 43% more convincing than those with only text. The use of visual aids, particularly in color, improves audience attention, comprehension, agreement, retention, action, and the presenter’s credibility, preparedness, and professionalism. That is why infographics are so popular: they convey intriguing information in a way that is both brief and memorable while also being readily shared.

  • Reading is cumbersome

The world is saturated with data. Everyone has to analyze more data than ever before, frequently under extreme time constraints. There isn’t enough time in the day to read large chunks of material. The Nielson Norman Group investigated how people read on the web and discovered that only roughly a quarter of the text on a page gets read. Users spend substantially more time looking at instructive diagrams and genuine photographs than they did at pretty but unrelated stock photos. Skimming, the most common mode of reading on the web and incorporating intranets, is aided by good diagrams.

  • Diagrams offer more information in less time.

Visualization is excellent for delivering dense and complicated information and, as a result, increasing productivity. Employees have fewer inquiries, make fewer mistakes, and are more productive since they can readily grasp the graphic. It also saves you time from reading a whole process or even a company’s hierarchy than reading an entire text.

  • It destroys the language barrier.

Many sectors are becoming increasingly international, with consumers, offices, partners, and staff located worldwide. Using a diagram to represent instructions and processes, such as the sales process above, makes it simpler for foreign colleagues and partners to collaborate and allows new workers to transition effortlessly.